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Corporate Identity

Tallence AG

The digital transformation – this is how it’s done

Tallence’s specialty is something most people only know as a buzzword: the digital transformation. They develop software products and services that empower their clients to tackle the era of digitized working. For our part, we have equipped Tallence with the best of digital and analogue business equipment that really matches their brand.

Tallence AG
Web Development
Corporate Identity

We enable the Digital Transformation.

Tallence Website

A strong brand starts from the inside

But the Corporate Design including a new logo and revised visual language not only affected marketing tools with external impact. Together with our client, we developed various approaches to how the new identity can also have an internal impact. Gimmicks such as shirts and tote bags make it possible for the brand to be experienced by the employees - and thus sustainably strengthened.

Know-how becomes tangible

The Website is a core element to the new Corporate Identity. The digital harbor of the Hamburg-based company now emphasizes Tallence’s true expert knowledge by featuring technology topics, trend subjects and corporate news. Thanks to carefully researched content and hand-crafted illustrations, the articles are not just another content hub. But exciting reading!

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