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Compliance Service

Business information

About the client

The customer is a well-known information service provider for general loan protection. Its major task: the evaluation of private financial transactions, which are subordinate to a special scoring.


The services of the customer go beyond that. In the B2B sector, the company offers services and products that meet the needs of its customers and the ravages of time. These include credit reports and fraud prevention. A relatively young branch is concerned with checking various compliance requirements (e.g. politically exposed persons, terror / embargo), such as the regulatory requirements of the banking sector and compliance with rules of retail companies.

In this project, we are actively involved as a partner in the entire process of software implementation, installation and customer support.

Web application
Information service provider
PHP 7, Slim Framework
MySQL 5.7
Sphinx Search
Docker, Kubernetes

The implementation from prototype to MVP to the finished application was super professional, agile and very fast.

Business Development Manager

About the project

The rule books in the area of ​​compliance are becoming more and more extensive. In the event of violations, the banking sector and trading companies face high fines and loss of already generated profits.


At the same time, the public sources of information are also growing. Several hundred national and international lists have to be checked regularly, if necessary even daily, in order to keep reviews up-to-date. A manual review? Downright impossible.

The way out is a fully automated preliminary check of all relevant lists with a subsequent individual case check in the event of specific suspected cases.

For a well-known information service provider, we have developed a high-performance and scalable web application that meets all the requirements of the customer itself and its customers as well. It can be easily expanded thanks to its distributed functions.


Users can place their queries fully automated via a REST or SOAP interface and receive direct feedback. Individual cases can be examined via web front end and individually checked for relevance. In order to ensure a regular check of the customer base, the application also offers a monitoring extension.

An optional on-premise solution enables users to run the application in their own data center.

Our experiences

Our wealth of experience grows with every technology case. While developing this application, two tasks stood out:


  • The Sphinx search has been supplemented by a calculation formula specially created by Orange Hive to improve the weighting of search results.
  • Both interface protocols, SOAP and REST, can be used with the same backend.

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